The Importance of Quality Insulation in New Construction

A person installing insulation into the ceiling of an El Paso new construction home.

When it comes to building new homes, there are many important decisions to make. One of the most crucial choices is what kind of insulation to use. You might not see it once the house is finished, but insulation plays a big role in making a home comfortable, energy-efficient, and safe.  Luckily, you can trust […]

2024 Trends for New Build Homes

Two home builders pointing to a new build home in El Paso with a yellow hardhat on a table.

  A new year invites new opportunities, and for you, that may be starting your new build home in El Paso. New builds are a great option for homeowners looking to add a bit of originality and creativity to their forever home. But before you get started on layouts or designs, take a look at […]

How to Select the Right Floor Plan for Your New Home

A person drawing home blueprints with a ruler and color samples next to them in El Paso.

A home’s layout directly impacts your daily life, functionality, and aesthetics. When you’re investing in the services of new construction builders, they’re able to offer a variety of floor plan options, ranging from standard designs to fully customizable layouts. But how do you know which floor plan is right for you? For over 30 years, […]